Tuesday, February 22, 2011

By way of introduction...


We're the Pendletons and this is our blog. Thanks for dropping by!

We've been taking quite a few pictures lately with the intent of "putting them online" at some point in the future. Well, the future is now. I also picked up a couple of domain names to host our blogs, which lets us be http://pendletontales.com/ instead of 47thcoolestblogever2.blogspot.com (the same goes for email addresses). If you don't own a domain, it's worth checking out. Domains are pretty cheap ($10/year or less depending on the TLD) and you can host email for free with google apps. And it's kind of fun :).

But the real reason for starting this is to keep in touch with our friends that we're prone to getting out of touch with. We hope to keep things at least somewhat up to date and let other people know about some of our adventures.

So, here's a short summary of the current state of our lives. We're Brian and Rebecca Pendleton and we've been married about 4 wonderful years. We love books, cooking, storytelling, board games and lots of other things. We're expecting our first (a boy) on March 14th. We're both excited and terrified, but I'm sure we'll get it figured out. I'm currently getting a MS in Computer Science at BYU and Rebecca works as a kindergarten wrangler... err... "aide." We're both members of the Utah Storytelling Guild and enjoy stories of all kinds.

We hope to use this blog to share some of our tales with you, our friends.

-Brian & Rebecca

Getting Ready for Baby

The nesting instinct hit hard this week in two ways. First, I came home one day and really wanted to finish a project I had started about a year ago involving a book shelf. We had gotten some chip board to possibly use for a train layout but decided to use some better wood instead (more on the train layout another time). With this extra wood lying around I decided we could use some more bookshelves and might as well use the chip board since we had it. I made a small TV/night stand with some of it and still had some left over for a medium sized 3 foot tall bookshelf. Once I had build the shelves I went about trying to cover their ugliness. (The shelves looked ok but that chip board was really hideous and somewhat splintery.) I first attempted this by using some left over paint to smother the TV stand with a pale yellow. This worked at cutting down the splinters but it was still pretty hideous. I figured this was good enough for the stand since it is small and covered by TV stuff, but I needed a different plan for the bookshelf. Then it hit me. Upholster it! Brian and I picked out some fabric we both liked and in June, while Brian was on a business trip, I got the fabric when it went on sale. I intended to upholster it during the summer, but lack of tools, starting a new job and getting pregnant put it on hold--until this last week. That nesting instinct really got me. Four hours and 300+ staples later the finished product was glorious! I am very proud of my upholstered Bookshelf!

The second hit of nesting swarmed both Brian and I on President's day--the day that marked 3 weeks to my due date. We realized we didn't have much of what we needed for baby and well, after a day of shopping (a good 6 hours or so) the following was the result.

Let's just say we are ready for baby now :)